“Parasites are the missing diagnosis in the genesis of many chronic health problems, including diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system. Most individuals would be truly amazed if they knew the extraordinarily high number of Americans who are unknowingly infected by parasites…” – Dr. Hermann R. Bueno, Fellow of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene of London.
Writing in Volume 4 of the Angels of Life Natural Health Journal I noted: “Pathology can result from pneumonia caused by a worm’s migration through the lungs, blocking of the gastrointestinal track or the bile or pancreatic duct. Moreover, parasite infestation can cause even more severe problems…”Make no mistake about it, worms are the most toxic agents in the human body. They are one of the primary underlying causes of disease and are the most basic cause of a compromised immune system.” – Hazel Parcells, D.C., N.D., Ph.D., 1974. “I strongly believe that every patient with disorders of immune function, including multiple allergies (especially food allergy), and patients with unexplained fatigue or with chronic bowel symptoms should be evaluated for the presence of intestinal parasites.” – Leo Galland, M.D. Townsend Letter for Doctors, 1988. “We have a tremendous parasite problem right here in the United States – it’s just not being identified.” – Peter Weina, Ph.D., Chief of Pathobiology, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 1991.[1]
According to the World Health Organization: “Overall, about 1.5 billion people have roundworms, making it the third most common human infection in the world. Whipworm infects 1 billion people… More than 1.3 billion people carry hookworm in their gut, and 265 million people are infected with schistosomes.”[2]
The most common type of worms are round worms (including ascarids, hookworms, pinworms, and threadworms) and tapeworms.
Roundworms are contagious intestinal parasites shaped like earthworms, only smaller in size. However, they can still be seen with the naked eye.
The adult round worms live in the lumen of the small intestine. The female may produce up to 240,000 eggs per day, which are passed with the feces. Fertile eggs become infective after about 18 days to a few weeks. The adult roundworm can live 1 to 2 years.
Tapeworms vary in length from an inch up to 30 feet! Moreover they can survive for up to 25 years in the body. Pinworms, in contrast, are white, about 13 of an inch long and threadlike. “Depending on the type of worm involved and the severity of the infestation, there may be a variety of symptoms”, explains James and Phyllis Balch in their classic work, Prescription for Nutritional Healing. They write further “In some cases there may be no symptoms at all. In some cases worms may be seen in the stool.”[3]
“Tape worms: Taenias – fish tapeworm, beef tapeworm, and pork tapeworm. Obtained from eating raw or undercooked, infected meat. Adult worms can reach a length of more than 15 feet. Pork tapeworms can enter the brain and cause seizures. Fish tapeworms can produce over one million eggs per day. It can grow up to 33 feet. This worm is normally half an inch long, and is usually white/grey in color.
White worms: They come in all sizes, from tiny pinworms to those that look like spaghetti or angel hair pasta.
Red worms: These look just like earthworms. They exude from the colon wrapped in balls. They can reach up to 6 inches long.
Inch worms: These are thick (pencil size), black and bumpy, and about 2 inches long.
Black worms: These are 10 – 12 inches in length and leave the colon wrapped in ‘yellow acid water’. They nest deep in the impacted colon wall.
Pin worms: Tiny parasites that wiggle out of the anus cavity. They have the appearance of white rice and are about 3/4 inch long and are thicker than white worms.
Hook worms: Curved parasites about six inches long, and grayish. Infestation is as high as 50% worldwide. Hookworms grip the intestinal wall and suck blood.
Thread worms: Cream-colored parasites as thin as a thread. They often come out by the hundreds.
Stickpin worms: One inch long and a head like a pea, perfectly round, small ones are white, adults are black.
‘Little fish’: Fish-type parasites with heads and tails that swim out of the colon in schools. They average about 1/2 inch long.
‘Fuzz balls’: Round parasites with fur on them. About 1/4 – 3/4 inch diameter, yellow in color.
‘Spiders’: Has an appearance similar to that of a spider and are colored brown; often 1 inch long.” [4]
Pinworms can cause severe anal itching (especially at night, because the worms tend to migrate outside the anus to lay eggs) insomnia and restlessness.
Hookworms can cause itching on the soles of the feet, and in some instances bloody sputum, fever, rash, and loss of appetite.
Threadworms can cause coughing or bronchitis, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and gas, preceded by tiny red abrasions that sometime itch.
Small tapeworms can cause weight and appetite loss, and abdominal pain, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Large tapeworms can cause similar symptoms, usually without the weight loss. Tapeworms are worthy of particular notice in part because of the size to which they can grow within a human host. “The fish tapeworm is a broad, long worm, often growing to lengths of 3-7 feet at maturity and capable of attaining 30 feet. It is the longest tapeworm invading humans with as many as 4,000 segments (proglottids). The main body of the worm is virtually filled with male and female reproductive organs allowing it to produce an incredible number of eggs, often more than 1,000,000 a day. The adult attaches to the wall of the intestine with the aid of two sucking grooves located in its head (scolex).”[5]
“The adult is ivory or grayish-yellow in color and can live in humans for 20 years. Humans are the final host of this worm, but first it must pass through a tiny freshwater crustacean, and then to a fish…The larva that infects people, a ‘plerocercoid’, is frequently found in the intestines of freshwater and marine fish. It is sometimes found in the flesh of freshwater fish or in fish that are migrating from salt waters to fresh water for breeding. You can be infected by eating raw, lightly cooked,… freshwater or certain migratory species of salmon, perch, pike, pickerel, and turbot. The popularity of eating raw fish dishes, such as Japanese sushi and sashimi, helps to spread this disease….Some people are constantly hungry because the tapeworms are eating most of the food. There are times when the worm gets so large that it will cause a colon blockage. In some people a severe anemia may develop, because of this tapeworm’s ability to consume most of its host’s vitamin B12. Folate may be reduced as well. With the anemia that results, neurological symptoms can manifest including numbness, loss of vibration sense, and even some eye symptoms.”[6]
According to the, Natural Remedies Encyclopedia, the pork tapeworm and the beef tapeworm are more common than the fish tapeworm. “Pork is an extremely dangerous food to eat. The larvae of pork tapeworm frequently burrow through the intestinal wall and travel around the body in the blood. Epilepsy and , if they infect the eyes, blindness may result”.[7]
There are four pathways by which we can be infected:
1) Via food or water which are sources of the roundworm, amoebae, giardia.
2) Via a vector – mosquito carrier of dog heartworm, filaria, malaria; flea is a carrier of dog tapeworm; common housefly transmits amebic cysts; sand fly carries leishmaniasis.
3) Via sexual contact where partners can transmit trichomonas, giardia, amoebae.
4) Through the nose and skin where pinworm eggs and Toxoplasma gondii can be inhaled from contaminated dust, hookworms, schistosomes, and strongyloides can penetrate exposed skin and bare feet.
“Another parasitic pathway is the airplane. Extensive foreign travel has exposed people to a whole gamut of exotic diseases never before encountered in their homeland.” Guess What Came to Dinner by Louise Gittleman, pg. 22.[8]
Dr. James Balch M.D., and Phyllis A. Balch, CNC note : “Worm infestations can range from mild to severe, even life threatening, particularly in children. They result in poor absorption of essential nutrients, and in some cases, loss of blood from the gastrointestinal tract…Malabsorption resulting from parasitic infection makes one susceptible to many diseases because it results in
Diminished immune function…Parisites are more common than most people suppose and they can be behind many illnesses, including colon disorders…They… are common in people with AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, candidiasis, and many other disorders”[9].
The are some very helpful foods as well as herbs for worm infestation.
Aloe Vera taken in any form is very effective in eliminating worms.
Other herbs that help expel worms are cascara sagrada, wormwood, cloves, Echinacea, goldenseal, burdock, and black walnut to name a few.
Grapefruit seed extract is also helpful in destroying parasites. According to the, Natural Remedies Encyclopedia, one can “Take black walnut extract and chaparral tea or tablets, eat pumpkin seeds and figs. Also drink fig juice…A hot-water enema, with 3 tsp.of salt to a quart of water, may get rid of pinworms…The Japanese use ginger to get rid of worms. Research has shown this to be true.”[10]
One notable solution is Diatomaceous Earth. By taking these capsules for three weeks, you can rid yourself of worms. The worms eat it and it causes them to disintegrate.
Garlic has been used effectively for pinworms, roundworms, giardia (an amoeba), as well as other parasitic infections.
Finally according to Dr. Huldah Clark, as I mentioned in Volume 4 of this Journal: “Getting rid of all parasites would be absolutely impossible using clinical medicines that can kill only one or two parasites each. Such medicines also tend to make you quite ill. Imagine taking 10 such drugs to kill a dozen of your parasites! Good news, perhaps, for the drug makers but not for you. Yet three herbs can rid you of over 100 types of parasites! And without so much as a headache! Without nausea! Without any interference with any drug that you are already on! Does this sound too fantastic? Just too good to be true? They are natures gift to us.
- The herbs are: Black Walnut Hulls (from the black walnut tree)
- Wormwood (from the Artemisia shrub)
- Common Cloves (from the clove tree)
These three herbs must be used together. Black walnut hull and wormwood kill adults and developmental stages of at least 100 parasites. Cloves kill the eggs. Only if you use them together will you rid yourself of parasites. If you kill only the adults, the tiny stages and eggs will soon grow into new adults. If you kill only the eggs, the million stages already loose in your body will soon grow into adults and make more eggs. They must be used together as a single treatment.”[11]
Remember the foods that you eat have a large part to play in worm infestation. Even fruits and vegetables that have not been properly washed can lead to worm infestation. Eating meat of any kind almost guarantees parasite infestation.
The original diet given to Mankind in the Garden of Eden is still the optimal diet, and we would do well to follow the pattern given there. Many of the foods given there will even now rid the body of parasites, as well as prevent infestation, if eaten in place of many of the processed, and unhealthy foods eaten today. That original diet as given by the Creator reads as follows: “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” An addition was added later, after mankind sinned, “thou shalt eat the herb of the field .” Genesis 1:29; 3:18. Thus the eating of vegetables were added to mankind’s original diet to help compensate for some of that which we lost physically, and no doubt mentally, as a result of not obeying God’s instructions. So the totality of man’s Genesis diet today should be a wide variety of fruits, nuts, grains, and vegetables.
It has been my experience in working with people in health and in sickness, that this is the optimal diet hands down; and if you would drastically reduce your chances of parasite infestation, and the potential problems associated with infestation, I would highly recommend that you adhere to this Genesis diet. God Bless.
Contact us if you would like further information with regard to rid yourself and/or your family members of parasites.
K.M. Henry
Gas in the stomach or bowels is normally the result of improper digestion, leading to an excess of gas. This accumulation of gas causes bloating in the stomach, intestine or bowels.
The diet plays a huge role in the presence of large amounts of gas, since bacteria in the colon acting on unabsorbed carbohydrates and proteins in the diet mostly produce these gases. Normally the stomach is sterile because of the acid environment. But when it does not contain enough hydrochloric acid, the bacteria migrates up into the stomach where it ferments the carbohydrates and proteins.
Large amounts of gas may be produced by eating certain kinds of foods, improper absorption of some foods (particularly carbohydrates), or by an overgrowth of gas-producing bacteria. Eating wrong combinations of food will also cause gas to form in the stomach or bowels. Drinking while eating causes a sour stomach and fermentation, as does hasty eating and poor chewing. Chewing with your mouth open, and talking while eating will result in swallowing air with the food or drink taken. This results in excessive belching or burping.
- Drinking lemon juice mixed in water 30 minutes before each meal helps to reduce gas in the stomach. The lemon juice acts similarly to the hydrochloric acid.
- Peppermint and Spearmint tea are excellent for reducing gas in the stomach.
- A lowfat diet helps to reduce carbon-dioxide production in the top (duodenal) area of the small intestine.
- Eat digestive enzymes at the end of the meal, or take them about 30 minutes prior to the meal.
- Take chlorophyll to reduce gas and odor.
- Do not postpone bowel movements.
- Take activated charcoal to help reduce the gas. The charcoal will absorb it and carry it off.
- If you find that eating certain food such as beans form excessive gas, eat these food sparingly or omit them from your diet.
- To reduce gas causing sulfur compounds in beans, boil the beans for about a minute, and then drain off the water entirely. Add fresh water and continue cooking.
- Avoid carbonated drinks.
- Avoid drinking with meals.
- Avoid fried foods.
Jesus encourages us with His words, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness” 2 Corinthians 12:19
God Bless——Donna Henry