Its Probably Your Prostate

Up several times a night making bathroom calls?

Unable To Totally Empty Bladder?

Constant Urge To Go?

It’s Probably Your Prostate!

The prostate is a walnut-shaped gland that wraps around the urethra (the tube that outflows urine).  The prostate gland starts out small, it tends to enlarge as a man ages. An exceedingly enlarged prostate results in a disease known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). At some point, an enlarged prostate can clamp down upon the urethra, inhibiting the flow of urine from the bladder. This leads to difficulties such as frequent urination, difficulty in voiding, urinary leakage, as well as urinary tract infections.

There are various treatment choices for an enlarged prostate. Men may take alpha-blocker drugs such as terazosin (Hytrin) to help relax the prostate muscles or antibiotics for chronic prostatitis (which may take place in addition to BPH). They could also take dutasteride (Avodart) or finasteride (Proscar) for decreasing BPH symptoms. They may also undergo surgery to take out the additional prostate tissue. One common surgical procedure for BPH is known as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).

However many men have discovered that many of the traditional medications and procedures for the prostate have very, very uncomfortable side-effects! As a consequence, many men have turned to alternative or natural methods to help with some of the issues that they are experiencing,

Traditional Medications Are Not Always Effective

Notwithstanding the many side-effects of the associated medications and procedures mentioned above, many men complain of little or no benefit from these treatments.

Prostate Life

I am Dr. Keith Henry, a naturopath, with a practice in Orlando, FL. The problem with men and enlarged prostates have become a serious one. It is imperative to first consider the overall lifestyle!. Eating habits, sleep habits, work habits, stress management all play a significant role in setting up the internal environment of the body for good or for bad.

In giving the body, even more, assistance due to the various assaults on it in our time; I also frequently recommend supplements in combination with an overall healthy lifestyle.

If you are a man that is suffering from prostate issues I recommend that you consider taking our Prostate Life, prostate supplement.

  • Prostate Supportive Nutrients*.
  • Helps Support Urine Flow*
  • Contains Saw Palmetto, Zinc, & Pumpkin Seed etc.

Our Prostate Life prostate supplement is packed full of powerful vitamins, minerals, food extracts, and herb extracts, designed to provide your body with all of the things it needs to support a prostate to function the way it is suppose to.

We have more than 20 nutrients in this supplement, it is packed to the brim! However, I will explain just a few of the nutrients contained in it.



Quercetin: A Cleveland Clinic research study determined quercetin to be an excellent natural supplement with regard to prostate functionality. Different research studies have proven quercetin to substantially lessen symptoms of an enlarged prostate,  in all likelihood due to quercetin’s antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Stinging Nettle:  Stinging  Nettle has long been employed to grant men relief in the urinary tract and assist them with prostate problems. It detoxifies the kidneys and urinary tract, removing bacteria which could lead to very painful inflammation; its many anti-inflammatory properties assist men with prostate problems. Stinging nettle blends well with other supplements in order to diminish pelvic discomfort and urinary pain, burning, as well as various other urinary symptoms.

Pyguem Extract: This is a herbal remedy which is obtained from the bark of the Pygeum Africanum tree. It has actually been employed since ancient times in order to help manage bladder issues. It contains phytosterols and fatty acids that shut out enzymes which produce prostate inflammation, which could avoid enlarged prostate in the first place. A link to a study regarding its use in the enlarged prostate is found Here.

Saw Palmetto Berry Extract: Saw Palmetto has actually been used for hundred of years to help men with prostate and urinary issues. It contains fatty acids and plant sterols including beta-sitosterol.  It possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties that reduce swelling, it helps in relieving pelvic pain and with the rate of urine flow, so you totally eliminate the first time. When combined with other supplements when providing support for chronic bacterial enlarged prostate, studies have found saw palmetto to be most effective.

Pumpkin Seed:  In one  2014  study,  it was established that both pumpkin seed oil alone as well as pumpkin seed oil and saw palmetto oil may well reduce benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) symptoms. Researchers concluded that both are safe and effective alternatives for BPH.

One theory concerning an enlarged prostate (BPH) is that dihydrotestosterone, a powerful metabolite of testosterone, builds up in the prostate and causes it to increase. The phytochemicals in pumpkin seeds could diminish the consequences of dihydrotestosterone on the prostate. It may likely, in addition, impede the conversion process of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone.

An earlier review of the available scientific studies discovered that pumpkin seed oil can hinder particular kinds of prostate growth.

A Small Sample

That is just a small sample of the science and research behind a very small amount of the nutrients found in our Prostate Life.

As I mentioned above there are more than 25 nutrients in this supplement, and you can begin to experience the benefits associated with them just by ordering right now!…Here