Veteran Infiltrates KKK For FBI For 10 Years Say Law Enforcement Throughly Infiltrated With White Supremicist

racial disparities in policing

This video is a distrubing revelation of our current and prophetic times. Phase 3 Ministries has an ongoing video series (we are up to episode 4) entitled “I Can’t Breathe” detailing the role of the Christian Church of the past and of the present in promoting and supporting racism and white supremecy, and resulting in millions rejecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ who may have otherwiswe accepted it. Phase 3 Ministries believes that Christians should stand up against all evil of any kind, including racism, which as we demonstrate in the I Can’t Breathe series, is a “doctrine of devils” to use the biblical phrase. You can watch the I Can’t Breathe Episodes on this website, or on Youtube at Phase 3 Ministries TV.  On here just type I Can’t breathe in the search bar. On Youtube just search for Phase 3 Ministries TV.