Is Glutathione Deficiency Making You Sick?

nutritional defiencies and depression

I read an interesting article recently (from the website  concerning the link between Glutathione and auto-immune disease. The article spelled out the details that I have included below concerning the “master antioxidant” Glutathione”. Additionally within the article I have included a Youtube video from Dr. Hyman also discussing the topic. He asks the question why is it that there are more than 75,000 articles about Glutathione, and your doctor does not understand how to use it to address your health problems…

Read Below And Watch Below…

Keith Henry, N.D.

Millions Affected By Autoimmune Diseases

Amazingly…would you believe there are an excess of 100 various diseases  encompassing rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease– contain an autoimmune aspect that transforms into the immune system assaulting the body’s very own organs, tissues and cells.

A notable reason for all this pain and suffering, is the ever-increasing bombardment of environmental toxins and stressors emptying the bodies’ stores of disease-fighting glutathione.

Simply put, exactly why would anyone be surprised that incidences of autoimmune diseases have indeed increased in recent years.  The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association estimates that a shocking 50 million Americans currently suffer from some form of autoimmune disease.

Additional Research Glutathione

Research has actually illustrated that people suffering from autoimmune disease virtually consistently possess inadequate levels of glutathione. Possessing optimal levels of this specific ‘master antioxidant,’ however, serves to help to modulate immune system reactions and reduce autoimmune disorders.

Glutathione, the body’s most powerful antioxidant, is an impressive detoxifier that binds to toxins and helps to abolish them. It is simultaneously essential for immune functionality, and also for controlling inflammation and oxidative damage.

Appropriate glutathione activity modulates cell proliferation and guards mitochondria, the cells’ “powerhouses.” It likewise helps to promote top physical functioning, while improving muscle tone and stamina.

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The body’s capability to prevent, and also recuperate from chronic illness, depends on its capacity to develop as well as maintain high amounts of this life-sustaining molecule.

Glutathione is manufactured in the body from the amino acids cysteine, glycine and glutamine. And, so, while the body manufactures abundant amounts in our youthful years, glutathione levels literally diminish as a common part of the aging process.

There are actually several factors that sap glutathione from the body, including: pharmaceutical drugs, environmental pollutants, hormonal imbalances, shortage of sleep, excessive weight, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and also alcohol use.

Glutathione is present inside the body in 2 different forms: reduced glutathione and also oxidized glutathione.

Reduced glutathione is the form that actively fights free radicals. Nonetheless, in the process, it gets an additional unpaired electron and ends up being unstable, turning into oxidized glutathione.

An enzyme known as glutathione reductase triggers the conversion back to operational glutathione.

Many natural health professionals maintain that oxidized glutathione has to be recycled back into reduced glutathione in order to manage autoimmune disease. In fact, studies have demonstrated that promoting glutathione recycling helps to regulate the immune system, cut down on the autoimmune response, promote tissue recovery– and even heal “leaky gut.”

Health Glutathione Levels Food And Supplements

In order to enhance healthy glutathione recycling, the first step is to lessen the stressors that endanger glutathione levels.

Steps you may well need to take can include balancing blood sugar levels, taking care of food intolerances, diminishing your exposure to environmental toxins and pesticides, managing adrenal functionality, re-balancing the gut microbiome and adopting an organic diet.

Of course, it’s a good idea to first seek advice from a  knowledgeable and compotent healthcare provider– who could offer natural and effective solutions for these health difficulties.

You can support glutathione recycling with N-acetyl-cysteine, a biologically available form of cysteine that is quickly converted into intracellular glutathione. Cell studies have revealed that pretreatment with NAC raises glutathione amounts in older cells, while at the same time helping to reduce cell death.

Alpha-lipoic acid serves to help to reverse depletions in glutathione that happen as a result of stress, while the amino acid glutamine– a precursor to glutathione– can enhance levels as well.

Cordyceps, a medicinal fungus routinely employed in Chinese Traditional Medicine, has been shown to safeguard cells by engaging the glutathione enzyme cycle.

In addition, studies have shown that the herb Gotu Kola (or Centella asiatica) can absolutely increase levels of glutathione peroxidase.

Milk Thistle( a popular herb used for liver support) extract  can increase glutathione recycling and help to improve ratios of reduced to oxidized glutathione.

Eating healthy quantities of organic Brazil nuts,  and spinach can raise levels of selenium, an antioxidant trace mineral essential for glutathione recycling.

You can diminish oxidative stress and boost glutathione levels by eating plentiful amounts of sulfur-containing foods such as broccoli, garlic, onions, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale.

Foods rich in B-complex vitamins  organic pinto beans, lentils and garbanzo beans– can aid the methylation process, which is essential to the production and recycling of glutathione.

Naturally, foods plentiful in vitamin C– like oranges, bell peppers and strawberries– help to convert oxidized glutathione back to its active form; and vitamin E found in wheat germ, sunflower seeds and spinach– preserves enzymes that protect glutathione.

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In addition to helping to alleviate autoimmune disease, glutathione can be instrumental in helping to prevent diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases as well as many types of cancer.

In fact, it is difficult to think of a substance more crucial to human health. No doubt, glutathione is just simply too vital to take for granted– and preserving it and protecting it can pay off in major health ways.
